Equine Skin Problems

There are many problems that can affect a horse’s skin condition from insect allergies to fungal, or bacterial infections. The skin is the horses largest and most important organ. It protects the inner structures of the body from the outside environment. Although it consists of many layers and is tough and resilient (and generally heals quickly when injured) problems can be minor or serious, but even minor problems should be properly diagnosed. If the skin is compromised too much, the horse’s health is at risk. Some skin problems are very serious and can leave your animal with permanent scars if not properly diagnosed and treated correctly. Fungi Fixx has soothing emollients that will provide your animal with immediate relief of the nagging itch and burn from skin problems while being treated.

Dermatitis / Grease Heel / Scratches / Cracked Heels / Mud Fever

There are many terms for this. Dermatitis is simply inflammation of the skin. Grease heel is an infection of the skin at the back of the pastern and heel. It occurs most commonly in breeds having long fetlock hair. Two other predisposing factors are trauma to the skin and wet, muddy footing. The horse can become increasingly lame . The skin can crack and produce a nasty, crusty serum. Fungi Fixx will not only provide immediate relief but the lesion will disappear quickly. Not a must but for best results, apply Fungi Fixx generously. Bandage pastern with a strip of cotton and a wrap or two of vet wrap or ace bandage. If needed day #2 reapply and bandage again. Do not be misled by thinking cracked heels means quarter crack. Fungi fixx will not help when treating quarter cracks or any other hoof problems

Ringworm is a skin infection caused by a dermatophyte Fungus. The skin lesions start as small, raised spots and loss of hair. Ringworm is contagious so you should be prepared and have Fungi Fixx on hand so you can treat and keep ringworm from spreading

Dermatophilosis / Rain Rot / Rain Scald
Rain Rot is a bacterial skin problem which will usually appear on horse’s rump and sometimes legs in rainy seasons or from the dew at night. Nasty scabs with pus will appear and can leave permanent scars if not treated correctly. Fungi Fixx is an anti-fungal, antibacterial preparation that will help clear this up and replace hair too. Apply generously and no need to bath or shampoo between applications

Skin Abrasions
Fungi Fixx is great for treating simple abrasions, but not recommended for deep wounds, or proud flesh.

Show cattle, sheep and goats are often stricken with ringworm. Daily bathing and shampooing with harsh soap or shampoo affects the skin's ability to act as an effective barrier. You are removing nonpathogenic bacteria that resides on normal skin. Treating ringworm with Fungi Fixx will have your show animal ready for the show ring usually with only one application.